Grain Preservation
Grain Preservation
Grain crops are used not only for food, but for feed and biofuels too. The production of feed grains is the fastest growing. Most of these grains need to be preserved and stored. This is where we can help you.
We offer a range of mould inhibitors from traditional propionic acid to the highly innovative Propcorn NC, which enables you to store grains for long periods of time without deterioration and loss of feed value. For grains with high moisture content we also offer crimping additives.
It is estimated that more than 25% of world wheat, barley and maize production is contaminated with mycotoxins resulting from mould growth in the feed, this has a detrimental effect on animal health and performance. Using the right products from the start can help to reduce this number significantly.
Propcorn NC
Propcorn NC is a non-corrosive grain preservative, designed for use on all cereals, grains and pulses. It helps protects against moulds, yeasts and mycotoxins whilst reducing the risk of metal corrosion.
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Propionic Acid
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Disclaimer : In order for the additives to work, you must always follow the recommended dosage rates and ensure the dosing equipment is calibrated correctly prior to use. The use of additives cannot be expected to overcome adverse weather conditions, poor feeding-out procedures, incorrect dosing rates, poor compaction, poor or inadequate sealing and soil or slurry contamination and is therefore not warranted against these poor practices and conditions. If unsure of applications rates or methods, please seek advice.