Propcorn NC
Non-corrosive grain preservative
Propcorn NC from Monarch Agri is a noncorrosive, highly concentrated propionic acid-based liquid solution for aerobic preservation. As a non-corrosive version of the original, industry-renowned 'PropCorn' our Propcorn NC enables reduction of metal corrosion, is safer to handle and can be transported as non-ADR.
This versatile product can be applied to all cereal grains and pulses to help protect against the formation of moulds, yeasts and mycotoxins during storage for up to 12 months.
Benefits of using Propcorn NC from Monarch Agri
- Protection against all forms of yeasts and moulds
- Reduces the risks for mycotoxin formation
- Less pungent and fuming than propionic acid
- Cost effective solution for storage of moist cereals
- Safer to handle and transport
- Propcorn NC is well proven in the UK
- Non ADR for transport
- help protect machinery - Far less corrosive than propionic acid
UK supplier of Propcorn NC
Propcorn NC from Monarch Agri is suitable for on-farm application and is available in 25L, 192L, 1,000Kg and Bulk Tanker.
As UK specialists in the preservation of cereal crops our aim is to be the single destination for all your preservation, crimp and additive needs. Others products in our range include FEMAS Propionic Acid, FEMAS Caustic Soda Pearl and FEMAS Urea.
Propcorn NC Downloads:
Monarch Agri Propcorn NC should not be mixed with water or other chemicals. Simultaneous use with other sources of propionic acid or ammonium propionate should not exceed the maximum authorised content. The simultaneous use of other organic acids at the maximum permitted doses is contraindicated.
Disclaimer : In order for the additive to work, you must always follow the recommended dosage rates and ensure the dosing equipment is calibrated correctly prior to use. The use of additives cannot be expected to overcome adverse weather conditions, poor feeding-out procedures, incorrect dosing rates, poor compaction, poor or inadequate sealing and soil or slurry contamination and is therefore not warranted against these poor practices and conditions. If unsure of applications rates or methods, please seek advice.
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