REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation, and restriction of CHemicals which came into force on 1st June 2007.
REACH applies to all substances manufactured or imported into the EU in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year with very few exceptions. The regulation requires manufacturers or importers of substances to submit to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for evaluation of a safety dossier containing details of the substances intrinsic properties and detailed risk assessment for known uses.
The intention of REACH is to provide a high level of protection to human health and the environment from the use of chemicals, and to make the people who place chemicals on the market, responsible for understanding and managing the risks associated with their use.
Monarch Chemicals has been heavily involved in REACH since its introduction, and has been working to ensure legislative compliance and continuity of supply for its customers on an on-going basis. As part of this process Monarch Chemicals has facilitated information flow between producers and end-users to ensure that, where applicable, all current uses for products continue to be permitted. In addition we are actively involved in the product registration process for materials we import into the European Union.